Annie Adams Fields — 4 Jun. 1862
June 4, [1862], New York City
My dear Mrs. Fields
Will you be glad to see me soon? At home I always promise myself a pleasure every Saturday night—after the fashion of our ‘plus [ ]’ brothers. So next Saturday morning I promise myself to see you. Mrs. Fremont[1] tells me I will leave New York at 8 in the morning and reach Boston some time about 2 pm. She or Miss Fremont[2] will go with me, only part of the way however.
I am glad I am going—which I say with as much earnestness as that I am
always your friend
R. B. Harding
New York Wednesday June 4
Jessie Benton Fremont (1824-1902), author of memoirs and fiction; RHD met Fremont in Wheeling when her husband, General John C. Fremont, was stationed there.
The Fremonts’ daughter, Elizabeth or “Lily” (1842-1919).
Key Words
Elizabeth Benton Fremont, Jessie Benton Fremont, travel
Richard Harding Davis Papers, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, University of Virginia
S. M. Harris