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James T. Fields — 20 Feb. 1862

February 20, 1862, Wheeling

Rec’d of Ticknor & Fields $200 February 20, 1862
Rebecca Harding

Many thanks. I did not need so much—let us rest in the money question now until we are “straight”—and I am out of debt. That will be a long time, I suspect. I wrote to tell you how more than pleased I was with the book.[1] It is beautifully gotten up, much prettier than I expected.

I am going out to the country for some weeks–out of sight of the ‘civilized’ world of books and paper—will you do me a favour? to send me any notices ‘Margret’ may receive especially any finding fault? I would rather see those though of course you don’t believe me when I say so. You are all rejoicing over the war news? If the part relating to the Union feeling in Florence, Ala. (my old home by the way) be true, well, so do I in it all.

Yours sincerely,
R –


  1. Margret Howth.

Key Words

Civil War, financial issues, Florence Alabama, Margret Howth, political opinions, residences, Reviews of RHD's Work


Richard Harding Davis Papers, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, University of Virginia


S. M. Harris

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