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James T. Fields — 20 Oct. 1862

October 20, [1862?], Philadelphia

My dear Mr. Fields,

What is the latest date that will be ‘time enough’ for the Christmas story? [1] I am very busy with it, but have suffered a thousand interruptions – which by-the-way have prevented me from writing to Annie. Please let me know what time will do, setting it as far off as possible. Another thing, do you wish me to look over the proof of ‘The Air-Engine,’[2] or is it too late? I enclose [these?] articles for Annie – with many thanks. Such a pity they were written. Gail Hamilton’s[3] is as unmanly as the other – not to speak of unwomanly. My best love to Annie please until I have a moment to write & kindest regards from Mr. Davis to both

Yours truly
R. H. Davis

1429 Girard Avenue
Phila. Oct. 20


  1. “The Promise of Dawn: A Christmas Story” would appear in the January 1863 issue of the Atlantic Monthly.

  2. Published as “The Great Air-Engine,” the story appeared in the December 1862 issue.

  3. Mary Abigail Dodge (1833-1896) feminist author who published under the name “Gail Hamilton.” RHD liked Dodge when she met her in 1862, but as conflicts arose between James T. Fields and Dodge, RHD sides with Fields.

Key Words

“The Great Air-Engine”, “The Promise of Dawn: A Christmas Story”, Mary Abigail Dodge


Richard Harding Davis Papers, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, University of Virginia


S. M. Harris

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