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James T. Fields — 30 Dec. 1862

December 30, 1862, Wheeling

My dear friend

This will be handed to you by Professor Ch. D’Almeida of the University of Paris[1] whom I commend most earnestly to you and Annie. He has been travelling through our country for the purpose of observing—inside[?] of the usual outlook of a traveller–the motive causes of our present struggle. I know no one who can bring him more immediately in contact with representative men of New England than you–men who will convey to him most clearly the northern ideas.

He is quite worthy that you should do this thing and I am sure you will find the gratification repaid to you by knowing him—

Boston is the last view of the country he will take with which I am pleased. You will make it pleasant and vivid I am sure—and American—I hope. Whatever courtesy you extend to him I will accept so done to me until you know him. Then you will do it for other reasons. Give my love to Annie and as usual to my window Ariel[2] and the bay.

Yours most sincerely


  1. Joseph-Charles d’Almeida (1822-1880), a French professor and author who traveled through the United States in 1862.

  2. An ornament of the archangel Ariel in the Fieldses’ home.

Key Words

Civil War, Joseph-Charles d’Almeida


Richard Harding Davis Papers, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, University of Virginia


S. M. Harris

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