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Annie Adams Fields — 20 May 1861


May 20, [1861], Wheeling, Virginia

Mrs. Fields

Although your letter requires no reply, forgive me if I acknowledge it. Words so courteous and womanly could not fail to meet the cordiallist of measures, even if their tenor were less pleasant.

I am glad that Mr. Fields desires me to remain a contributor to the Atlantic.

I will try and meet his wishes by being more cheerful. Though humor had need to be high and warm as

God’s sunshine to glow cheerily on Virginia soil just now.[2]

Will you add to your former kindness by requesting Mr. Fields to return the last story? I have no copy.

Very sincerely your friend

R. B. Harding—


  1. Spouse of James T. Fields and an important literary hostess whose influence with Atlantic Monthly contributors has been widely acknowledged by scholars.

  2. Virginia had seceded from the Union on April 17, 1861.

Key Words

Atlantic Monthly, James T. Fields, secession


Richard Harding Davis Papers, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, University of Virginia


S. M. Harris

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