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Complete Bibliography of Known Works by Rebecca Harding Davis


“Ability Misapplied.” Saturday Evening Post (19 Sep. 1903): 14.

“About the Painter of Little Penelope.” St. Nicholas 3 (1 Nov. 1875): 1-3.

“Achill.” Independent (16 Aug. 1894): 1045.

“Across the Gulf.” Lippincott’s Magazine 27 (Jul. 1881): 59-71.
Reprinted in:
Silhouettes of American Life (see below)

“After Thanksgiving.” Saturday Evening Post (29 Nov. 1902): 12.

“Aglae.” Independent (21 Dec. 1882): 30-31.

“Alien Brothers.” Independent (7 Jul. 1892): 7-8.

“The Alsatian Hound.” Peterson’s Magazine 46 (Oct. 1864): 269-76.

“American Convents.” Independent (23-30 Dec. 1875): 3-4; 6.

“An American Family.” Independent (15 Mar. 1906): 602-604.

“American Hospitality.” Independent (24 Aug. 1899): 2279-81.

“Anna.” Independent (11 Jul. 1889): 27-28.

“Anne.” Harper's New Monthly Magazine 78 (1889): 744-50.
Reprinted in:
Silhouettes of American Life (see below)

“Annie’s Mother.” Youth’s Companion (17 Oct. 1872): 331.

“Another Good Australian Suggestion.” Success Magazine 8 (Apr. 1905): 255.

“Are Marriage Ties Growing Less Sacred?” Success (1904).

“Are Women to Blame?” North American Review 148 (May 1889): 622-42.

“As I Remember.” Saturday Evening Post (20 Sep. 1902): 7-8.

“As We Grow Old.” Congregationalist (20 Mar. 1890): 1.

“The Asbestos Box.” Peterson’s Magazine 41 (Mar. 1862): 210-18.

“Asylums for the Insane.” New-York Tribune (28 Nov. 1868): 4.

“At Bay.” Peterson’s Magazine 52: (Oct. 1867): 277-83.

“At Kittery.” Peterson’s Magazine 83 (Apr. 1883): 312-17.

“At Noon.” Harper’s Bazaar (17 Dec. 1887): 874.

“At Our Gates.” Independent (11 Apr. 1889): 3.

“At the Foot of the Class.” Youth’s Companion (16 Apr.1896): 202-203.

“At the Races.” Youth’s Companion (26 Nov. 1874): 393.

“At the Station.” Scribner's Magazine 4 (Dec. 1888): 687-96.
Reprinted in:
Silhouettes of American Life (see below)



“Balacchi Brothers.” Lippincott’s Magazine 10 (Jul. 1872): 66-75.
Reprinted in:
Kitty’s Choice, or Berrytown, and Other Stories (1873)
Stories by American Authors, Volume 1 (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1884), 120-45.
The International Library of Famous Literature. vol. 20. Eds., Dr. Richard Garnett, C.B., (London: The Standard, 1899).
The Roxburghe Library of Classics, Vol. 28. Eds., Nathan Haskell Dole, Forrest Morgan, and Caroline Ticknor (New York and London: Roxburghe Press, 1904), 983-99. (Limited edition of 1,000)
Short Story Classics, Vol. 1. Ed. William Patten (New York: F. P. Collier and Son, 1905), 305-31.
Success Magazine (1907).
Reprinted as:
“On the Trapeze.” A Library of American Literature from the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. Eds., Edmund Clarence Stedman and Ellen Mackay Hutchinson. 10 Vols. (New York: Charles L. Webster and Co., 1889), 8:544-46.

“The Barred Acres—The Doctor’s Story.” Peterson’s Magazine 60 (Dec. 1871): 414-21.

“Becky’s Mission.” Congregationalist (4 Apr. 1885): n.p.

“Ben.” Putnam’s Magazine n.s. 5 (Feb. 1870): 163-74.

“Ben Pilley.” Hearth and Home (c. Oct. 1872; no copy located).
Reprinted in:
Trenton State Gazette (16 Nov. 1872): 1.
San Francisco Bulletin (16 Nov. 1872).
New-Hampshire Patriot (13 Aug. 1873)
Christian Leader (3 June 1876): 354-55.
Reprinted as:
“Taking it Easy.” The Advocate (24 Oct. 1872): 2.

“Bessy’s Two Thanksgivings.” Independent (25 Nov. 1875): 26-27.

“The Best Fellow in the World.” Scribner’s Monthly 8 (Jun3 1874): 235-37.

“The Best of Good Company.” Saturday Evening Post (20 Sep. 1902): 12.

“Between Man and Woman.” Peterson's Magazine 65 (Mar. 1874): 190-98.

“Big Sellers.” Saturday Evening Post (31 Jan. 1903): 15.

Bits of Gossip. New York: Houghton, 1904. Cambridge: Riverside, 1905. London: Constable, 1905.
Excerpt reprinted as:
“Aaron Burr.” Capital Stories about Famous Americans, ed. Rev. Louis Albert Banks (New York: Christian Herald, 1905), 97-98.

“The Black North.” Independent (6 Feb. 1902): 338-40.

“Blind Tom.” Atlantic Monthly 10 (1862): 580-85.
Reprinted as:
“Blind Black Tom.” (London) All the Year Round 8 (1862): 126-29.

“The Blot on the Great Man’s Name.” Saturday Evening Post (21 Feb. 1903): 12.

“The Bogey Man Banished.” Saturday Evening Post (23 May 1903): 14.

“Book Leaves.” Saturday Evening Post (14 Oct. 1905): 14.

“Both Sides of the Shield.” Scribner’s Monthly 10 (May 1875): 88-89.
Reprinted in:
Hartford Daily Courant (4 May 1875): 1.

“The Boy Who Was Himself.” Our Young Folks 8 (Oct. 1872): 598-601.

“A Boy’s Fight.” Success 5 (Jun.-Jul. 1902): 335-37.

“Boys and Girls.” Congregationalist (31 Jan. 1889): 7.

“A Brand Left to Burn.” Congregationalist (25 Jan. 1883).

“Brave.” Youth’s Companion (25 Apr. 1878): 131.

“Brave Dick.” National Labor Tribune (13 Sep. 1878), n.p.
Reprinted in:
Marion (OH) Daily Star (18 Oct. 1879): 4.

“A Brave Engineer.” Youth’s Companion (28 Aug. 1873): 274-75.

“The Break in the Sand.” Youth’s Companion (30 Sep. 1875): 310-11.

“By-Paths in the Mountains.” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 61 (July-Sep. 1880): 167-85, 353-69, 532-47.



“Cain and Abel.” Youth’s Companion (31 May 1888): 265.

“Captain Jean.” Peterson’s Magazine 56 (Nov. 1869): 351-59.

“The Captain’s Story.” Galaxy 2 (Dec. 1866): 725-34.
Reprinted in:
Little Classics: Intellect. Vol. 2. Ed., Rossiter Johnson. Cambridge, MA: Riverside Press of Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1874. 187-207.

“The Case of Jane Boyer.” Peterson’s Magazine 72 (Jul. 1877): 33-37.

“The Charities of St. Matthew’s.” Sunday Afternoon 1 (June 1878): 488-93.

“Charity’s Secret.” Peterson’s Magazine 56 (Sep. 1869): 199-208.

“The Cave Man.” Saturday Evening Post (29 Aug. 1903): 12.

“Cheating the Children.” Saturday Evening Post (7 Feb. 1903): 12.

“Chip.” St. Nicholas 1 (1 Oct. 1874): 689-92.

“Christina.” Youth’s Companion (3 Nov. 1881): 405.

“The Christmas Year.” St. Nicholas (Dec. 1908).
Reprinted in:
Christian Observer (23 Dec. 1908): 18.

“Clement Moore’s Vocation.” Peterson’s Magazine 57 (Jan. 1870): 54-59.

“The Clergyman’s Wife.” Peterson’s Magazine 47 (Feb. 1865): 139-47.

“Coal, Fifteen Dollars a Ton.” Saturday Evening Post (11 Oct. 1902): 12.

“The Colonel’s Venture: A Story of Old Virginia.” Lippincott’s Magazine 23 (Feb. 1879): 186-97.

“A Comedy in a Garden.” Peterson’s Magazine 79 (Jan. 1881): 60-66.

“The Coming of Night.” Scribner's Magazine 45 (Jan. 1909): 58-68.

“A Common Fault.” Congregationalist (24 Jul. 1890): 1.

“Compensation.” Peterson’s Magazine 59 (Apr. 1871): 286-95.

“The Conards.” Independent (26 Dec. 1878): 4-5.

“The Conductor’s Story.” Hearth and Home (2 Dec. 1871): 946-47.
Reprinted in:
Hartford Daily Courant (13 Feb. 1872): 1.
Bangor Daily Whig & Courier (8 Dec. 1871).
Independent Statesman (Concord, NH) (15 Feb. 1872).

“The Cooking Club.” Youth’s Companion (3 Feb. 1887): 42.

“Country Girls in Town.” Independent (17 Jul. 1902): 1691-93.

“Colored Industry in the South.” Friends’ Intelligencer (31 Oct. 1885): 601-602.

“Cured.” Youth’s Companion 59 (Oct. 1886): 385.

“Cured by Active Work.” Congregationalist (16 Aug. 1888).

“The Curse of Education.” North American Review 168 (May 1899): 609-14.
Reprinted as:
“Education and Crime.” Report of the Department of Interior-Education, 1899. Vol. 2. House Document Vol. 31, 56th Congress, 1st session, 1899-1900.



Dallas Galbraith. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1868.
Lippincott’s Magazine (Jan.-Oct. 1868).
Reprinted as:
“Cheap Edition” (1870).
“‘Mother and Son.’ [From Dallas Galbraith].” The University of Literature. 20 vols. Ed. W. H. De Puy, A.M., D.D., LL.D. New York: J.S. Barcus and Co., 1896. 6.

“Daniel Ponge’s Success.” Congregationalist (28 Feb. 1884): 2.

“The Daughter-In-Law.” Peterson’s Magazine 53 (Feb. 1868): 121-32.

“David Conn and His Wife.” Good Company 7 (Mar-Apr. 1881): 260-68.

“David Evans’ Christmas.” (Boston) Christmas Traveller (Dec. 1883).

“David Gaunt.” Atlantic Monthly 10 (Sep.-Oct.1862): 257-271, 403-421.

“David Pogue’s Revenge.” Peterson’s Magazine 74 (Nov. 1878): 321-23.

“A Day in Tadousac.” Our Continent (15 Feb. 1882): 6-7.
Reprinted in:
(Washington, D.C.) National Tribune (18 Feb. 1882): 2.
San Francisco Evening Bulletin (25 Feb. 1882).

“A Day with Doctor Sarah.” Harper's New Monthly Magazine 57 (Sep. 1878): 611-17.

“The Deacon’s Surprise.” Youth’s Companion (3 Aug. 1871): 243.

“The Death of John Payne.” Independent (28 Jul. 1898): 241-49.

“Defeated.” Peterson’s Magazine 92 (Nov. 1887): 445-51.

“Despondency Cured.” The Fireside Teacher 3 (May 1888): 76-79.

“The Devitt Will Case.” Peterson’s Magazine 51 (Apr. 1867): 258-62.

“Did His Best.” Youth’s Companion (8 Feb. 1877): 41.

“The Disease of Money-Getting.” Independent (19 June 1902): 1457-60.

“The Divining Rod.” Peterson’s Magazine 55 (Jan. 1869): 61-68.
Reprinted in:
The Housewife (1903).

“Doctor Pajot.” Appleton’s Journal n.s. 2 (June 1877): 551-56.

Doctor Warwick's Daughters. New York: Harper, 1896.
Harper’s Bazar (6 Jul.-23 Nov. 1895).
Excerpted as:
“Life and Death. From Doctor Warrick’s Daughters.” The World’s Great Masterpieces: History, Biography, Philosophy, Science… Eds., Harry Thurston Peck, (New York: American Literary Society, 1899, 1901), 9:3375-90.

“The Doctor’s Story.” Youth’s Companion (4 Sep. 1873): 281-82.

“The Doctor's Wife." Scribner's Monthly 8 (1874): 108-110.
Reprinted in:
Silhouettes of American Life (see below)

“Does It Pay?” Saturday Evening Post (13 Dec. 1902): 12.

“Dolly.” Scribner's Monthly 9 (Nov. 1874): 89-92.

“Dominique.” Youth’s Companion (10 Dec. 1885): 525.

“Down the Short Road.” Youth’s Companion (21 Nov. 1878): 34-38.

“The Dunce of the Family.” Youth’s Companion (24 Jul. 1884): 292.
Reprinted in:
The Cambrian: A National Monthly Magazine 17 (Jan. 1897): 74-78.

“Durrkihl.” Independent (16 Dec. 1886): 32-33.



“Earthen Pitchers.” Scribner's Monthly 7 (Nov. 1873-Apr. 1874): 73-81, 199-207, 274-81, 490-494, 595-99, 714-721.

“Education.” Guide to the Exhibition (New York: New-York Tribune Co., 1876): 38–43.

“The Education of Bob.” Harper’s New Monthly 94 (May 1897): 934-40.

“Effie.” Peterson’s Magazine 69 (Jan. 1876): 61-66.

“The Egyptian Beetle.” Peterson’s Magazine 42 (Nov. 1862): 355-61.

“The Elder Sister.” Youth’s Companion (30 June 1887): 285.

“The Elevator Boy.” The Interior (1905).
Reprinted in:
The National Advocate 40.7 (1905): 100.

“Eliza Neeson.” Peterson’s Magazine 48 (Dec. 1865): 432-40.

“Elise.” Massachusetts Ploughman (26 Oct. 1872): 4).
Reprinted in:
Peterson’s Magazine 62 (Nov. 1872): 333-39.

“Elizabeth’s Husband.” Independent (10 Sep. 1903): 2149-55.

“Elizabeth’s Romance.” Stevens Point (Wisc.) Daily Journal (16 Sept. 1907): 3.

“Elizabeth’s Thanksgiving.” Congregationalist (29 Nov. 1888): n.p.
Reprinted in:
Good Housekeeping 17 (Nov. 1893): 234-35.
Galveston Daily News (28 Nov. 1895): 8.

“The Elk Heights Tragedy.” Petersons’ Magazine 85 (Jan.-Mar. 1884): 44-53, 139-47, 234-39.

“Ellen.” Peterson's Magazine 44 (July 1863): 38-48.

“Ellen.” Atlantic Monthly 16 (Jul. 1865): 22-34.

“The Enchanted Prince.” St. Nicholas 1 (1 Nov. 1873): 18-20.

“The Engineer’s Story.” Congregationalist (28 Mar. 1889): 2.

“An English Passion Play.” Century Illustrated Magazine 61 (Feb. 1901): 622-25.

“Enos Lex: Cobbler and Drunkard.” Youth’s Companion (25 Sep. 1890): 501.
Reprinted in:
Zion’s Herald (10 Dec. 1890): 398.
Herald of Gospel Liberty (2 Apr. 1891): 215.

“The Etruscan Chain.” Peterson’s Magazine 50 (Dec. 1866): 397-406.

“The Everyday Franklin.” St. Nicholas 34 (Dec. 1906): 158-60.

“An Every-Day Temptation.” Peterson’s Magazine 74 (Jul. 1878): 34-38.

“The Express Train.” Peterson’s Magazine 72 (Nov. 1877): 318-22.



Facing the New Year.” Congregationalist (1888).
Reprinted in:
Zion’s Herald (4 Jan. 1888): 6.

“A Faded Leaf of History.” Atlantic Monthly 31 (Jan. 1873): 44-52.
Reprinted in:
Silhouettes of American Life (see below).

“Faithful Unto Death.” Youth’s Companion (28 May 1874): 171-72.

“The Fatal Plunge.” Saturday Evening Post (16 May 1903): 12.

“Ferruci and His Foes.” St. Nicholas 3 (Apr. 1876): 680-83.

“The Fire Opal.” Youth’s Companion (4 Nov. 1880): 389-90.

“The Foran Sisters.” Peterson’s Magazine 96 (Sep. 1889): 242-47.

“A Forgotten Virtue.” The Church Magazine (Mar. 1886).

“Forgotten Worthies: David Zeisberger.” Congregationalist (14 Jan. 1886).

“Forgotten Worthies: Dimitri Gallitzin.” Congregationalist (29 Jul. 1886).

“Forgotten Worthies: John Woolman.” Congregationalist (3 Dec. 1885).

“The Foster-Brothers.” Youth’s Companion (5 Sep. 1889): 442.

“A Fox and A Raven.” St. Nicholas 2 (1 Feb. 1875): 216-19.

Frances Waldeaux. New York: Harper, 1897. London: Osgood-Mellvaine, 1897.
Harper’s Bazar (10 Oct.-5 Dec. 1896).

“Friend Paul.” Saturday Evening Post (6 June 1903): 21.

“From Door to Door.” Congregationalist (13 Oct. 1887): 2.



“General William Wirt Colby.” Wood’s Household Magazine 1 n.s. (Jan. 1874).

“George Bedellion’s Knight.” Atlantic Monthly 19 (Feb.-Mar. 1867): 155-78. 289-99.

“George Frost’s Madness.” Peterson’s Magazine 66 (Oct. 1874): 263-69.

“Gertrude.” The Similibus: A Paper Published by the Managers of the Fair for the Benefit of the Homoeopathic Surgical Hospital, No. 6, (1876).

“Gilbert Stuart.” St. Nicholas 3 (1 Apr. 1876): 382-84.

“Girls in Business.” The Churchman (2 Mar. 1907): 338-39.

“A Glimpse of Philadelphia in July, 1776.” Lippincott’s Magazine 18 (Jul., Sept. 1876): 27-38; 460-68.

“God Does Not Forget.” Peterson’s Magazine 50 (Jul. 1866): 27-35.

“The Good-For-Nothing.” Independent (9 Mar. 1876): 1423.
Reprinted in:
Youth’s Companion (28 Feb. 1878): 343-54.

“Gossip on the Jersey Beach.” Independent (26 Aug. 1875): 1-3.

“The Gospellers.” Saturday Evening Post (25 Mar. 1905): 15-17.

“The Great Air-Engine.” Atlantic Monthly 12 (Dec. 1863): 701-26.

“The Great Kean Estate.” Peterson’s Magazine 80 (Oct. 1881): 273-78.

“A Great Lady—Jessie B. Fremont.” Saturday Evening Post (31 Jan. 1903): 12.

“A Great Object-Lesson.” Independent (30 Jul. 1903): 1778-80.

“A Great Wrong.” Congregationalist (13 June 1889): 2.

“A Grumble.” New Peterson’s Magazine n.s. 103 (Jan. 1893): 103-104.

“The Guest-Chamber.” Congregationalist (5 Jan. 1888): 2.



“Had He Made a Mistake?” Zion’s Herald (1 Jul. 1891): 206.

“Half a Dozen Silhouettes.” Saturday Evening Post (12 Aug. 1905): 6-7.

“Hand to Hand,” Galaxy 9 (Mar. 1870): 382-96.
Reprinted in:
San Jose Mercury News 13 (4, 6-10 Aug. 1888): 1, 1, 1.
Bangor Daily Whig & Courier (1, 2, 4, 5 June 1888).

“Happy Remembrances.” St. Nicholas (1909).
Reprinted in:
Northwestern Christian Advocate (4 Aug. 1909): 18.

“Hard-Tack.” Youth’s Companion (5 Jan. 1871): 1-2.

“Hard Times for the Old Man.” Saturday Evening Post (28 Mar. 1903): 14.

“The Harmonists.” Atlantic Monthly 17 (May 1866): 529-38.

“Has the Free Negro Failed?” Saturday Evening Post (2 Jul. 1904): 13.

“The Haunted Manor-House.” Peterson’s Magazine 47 (Apr. 1865): 268-75.

“The Heavenly Call.” Congregationalist (5 May 1887).

“He Saved the Flag.” Youth’s Companion (28 Mar. 1889): 157.

“Here and There in the South.” Harper's New Monthly 75 (July-Nov. 1887): 235-46, 431-43, 593-606, 747-60, 914-25.
Excerpted as:
“The New South.” Massachusetts Ploughman (1 Jul. 1887): 4.
“A Frenchman of Mobile.” Hartford Courant (26 Jul. 1887): 2.

“Herod.” St. Nicholas 3 (1 Mar. 1876): 321-24.
Reprinted in:
Manchester Times (18 Mar. 1876), 2.

“A Heroine.” Peterson’s Magazine 58 (Nov. 1870): 358-64.

“Heroism Unto Death.” Congregationalist (12 Apr. 1888).

“Hetty Fanning.” Youth’s Companion (24 Sep. 1874): 309.

“Hetty’s Experience.” Youth’s Companion (11 Dec. 1873): 401.

“The High Tide of December.” Atlantic Monthly 17 (Jan. 1866): 47-64.

“His Father’s Son.” Saturday Evening Post (21 Oct. 1905): 12.

“His Great Deed.” Lippincott’s Magazine 22 (Sep. 1878): 343-54.

“His Ideal.” Peterson’s Magazine 77 (Mar. 1880): 208-12.

“His Messenger.” Congregationalist (6 Sep. 1883).

“The History of Bob.” Youth’s Companion (25 June 1874): 204-205.

“Home Industries for Women. Bee-Keeping.” Youth’s Companion (9 Nov. 1882): 467-68.

“Homely Hints on Homely Occupations.” Youth’s Companion (17 Aug. 1882): 329.

“A Homely Story of Home.” Good Company 5.8 (1880): 97-111.
Reprinted in:
Bangor Daily Whig & Courier (19 and 20 Jan. 1870).

“Homer and the Housemaids.” Saturday Evening Post (4 Jul. 1903): 14.

“The House on the Beach.” Lippincott’s Magazine 17 (Jan. 1876): 72-80.

“House-Cleaning Day.” Saturday Evening Post (24 Oct. 1903): 14.

“How Jack Went Tiger-Hunting.” Youth’s Companion (25 May 1871): 163-64.

“How The ‘Gull’ Went Down.” St. Nicholas 1 (June 1874): 441-44.
Reprinted in:
(Concord, NH) Independent Statesman (11 June 1874).

“How the Widow Crossed the Lines.” Lippincott’s Magazine 18 (Dec. 1876): 717-26.

“How the X’s Educate.” Saturday Evening Post (27 Sep. 1902): 12.

“How to Write Books.” Saturday Evening Post (23 Jan. 1904): 18-19.

“How We Spent the Summer.” Peterson's Magazine 60 (Aug. 1871): 118-28.

“Huckster Jim.” Youth’s Companion (11 Jul. 1878): 221.
Reprinted in:
(St. Paul, MN) Daily Globe (25 Aug. 1878): 6.

“The Human Dippers.” Saturday Evening Post (25 Oct. 1902): 14.

“A Hundred Years Ago.” Riverside Magazine for Young People 4 (June-Jul. 1870): 279-83, 323-25.



“If They Had a Million Dollars.” Ladies’ Home Journal 20 (Sep. 1903): 10.

“An Ignoble Martyr.” Harper's New Monthly Magazine 80 (Mar. 1890): 604-10.
Reprinted in:

Silhouettes of American Life (see below)

“The Important Question.” Saturday Evening Post (18 Jul. 1903): 14.

“In a Way That She Knew Not: A Thanksgiving Story.” Independent (26 Nov. 1891): 34-35.

“In an Inn.” Peterson’s Magazine 84 (Nov. 1883): 407-11.

“In Old Florence.” St. Nicholas 25 (May 1898): 586-94.
Excerpted as:
“The Brothers of Pity.” Denver Post (28 Aug. 1898), 13.

“In Proof of To-Morrow.” Harper’s Bazar (17 Sep. 1898): 787.
Reprinted in:
Christian Observer (28 Sep. 1898): 5.

“In Re Silas Rhawn.” Sunday Afternoon 3 (Jan. 1879): 1-9.

“In Remembrance.” Independent (29 Jan. 1903): 238-39.

“In St. Paul’s Place.” Peterson’s Magazine 87 (Jan. 1885): 37-42.

“In the Chronicle Office.” Peterson’s Magazine 61 (May 1872): 344-54.

“In the Dark.” Peterson’s Magazine 50 (Nov. 1866): 309-18.

“In the Debatable Lands.” Saturday Evening Post (7 May 1904): 8.

“In the Gray Cabins of New England.” Century Illustrated Magazine 49 (Feb. 1895): 620-23.

“‘In the Market.’” Peterson's Magazine 53 (Jan. 1868): 49-57.

“In the Old Days.” Independent (12 Nov. 1908): 1100-1105.

“In the Old House.” Saturday Evening Post (22 Nov. 1902): 8-9.

“In the Ore.” Independent (29 May 1890): 43.
Reprinted in:
Watchman (23 May 1895): 14-15.

“Indiscriminate Charity.” New-York Daily Tribune (2 Jan. 1877): 2.

“Industrial Training for The Colored People.” Friend’s Intelligencer (31 Oct. 1885): 608.

“An Indian Woman’s Tale.” Harper’s Bazar (7 Jan. 1899): 18.

“Ingenuity in Earning a Living.” Congregationalist and Christian World (27 Dec. 1902): 982-83.

“The Inside Story of It.” Smart Set 14 (Sep. 1904): 101-107.

“The Inlaid Harp.” Peterson’s Magazine 54 (Dec. 1868): 447-55.

“Is It All for Nothing?” Independent (24 Oct. 1901): 2513-14.



“Jack.” Youth’s Companion (16 Feb. 1871): 50-51.

“Jack Graham.” Youth’s Companion (25 Apr. 1872): 131.

“Jack’s Ghost.” Youth’s Companion (15 June 1871): 185.

“Jane Murray’s Thanksgiving.” Independent (30 Nov. 1905): 1267-71.

“Jane Pruden’s Thanksgiving.” Independent (27 Nov. 1890): 34-35.
Reprinted in:
Watchman (16-23 Nov. 1899): 15-16; 14-15.

“Jean’s Portmanteau.” Youth’s Companion (17 Oct. 1889): 506.
Reprinted in:
Hartford Courant (5 Nov. 1889): 2.

“Jenny’s Hero.” Youth’s Companion (18 Apr. 1872): 124.

“Jesse Benton Fremont’s The Story of the Guard.” Atlantic Monthly 11 (Jan. 1863): 142-43.

“Joe Paullet’s Folly.” Youth’s Companion (19 Oct. 1876): 335-36.

“John.” Youth’s Companion (27 Nov. 1873): 385.

John Andross. New York: Orange Judd, 1874.
Hearth and Home (13 Dec. 1873-2 May 1874).

“John Copley.” Congregationalist (24 May 1882).

“John Lamar.” Atlantic Monthly 9 (Apr. 1862): 411-23.

“John Sorby.” Independent (14 June 1883): 26-27.

“Josey’s Dower.” Peterson’s Magazine 72 (Nov. 1876): 324-28.

“Josiah Knox’s Secret.” Peterson’s Magazine 76 (Dec. 1879): 447-51.

“Juba.” Congregationalist (5 Mar. 1885): 2.
Reprinted as:
“Juba: A Negro Story.” (London) Young England (1 Nov. 1887): 524-25.



“Kane Isett’s Neighbors.” Youth’s Companion (2 Oct. 1884): 371.

“The Kennairds.” Peterson’s Magazine 93 (Jan.-Mar. 1888): 74-82, 177-83, 272-79.

Kent Hampden. New York: Scribner's, 1892.
Youth’s Companion (1 Jan.-12 Feb. 1891).

Kitty's Choice: A Story of Berrytown, and Other Stories. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1874.
Collection also includes “The Balacchi Brothers” and “Leonard Heath’s Fortune.”
“Kitty’s Choice,”

Serialized as:
“ Berrytown,” Lippincott’s Magazine 12 [Apr.-Jul. 1873]).

“The Knight and The Castle.” St. Nicholas 2 (1 May 1875): 392-97.



“The Late G. W. Childs.” Congregationalist and Christian World (1902).
Reprinted in:
Pinckney (MI) Dispatch (24 Jul. 1902): 3.

“The Latin Prize.” Youth’s Companion (18 May 1871): 153-54.

A Law Unto Herself. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1878.
Lippincott’s Magazine (Jul.-Dec. 1877).

“La Baronne.” Peterson’s Magazine 78 (Dec. 1880): 443-47.

“Landry’s Strange Story.” Peterson’s Magazine 75 (Jan. 1879): 59-63.

“The Last of the Trolls.” Peterson’s Magazine 68 (Jul. 1875): 47-53.

“Laura’s Experience.” The Household (1892).
Reprinted in:
(Chicago) Manford’s Magazine 36 (Jan. 1892): 138-39.

“The Ledoux Crevasse.” Peterson’s Magazine 66 (Dec. 1874): 413-18.

“Leebsmall.” Independent (4 Aug. 1887): 966.

“Leonard Heath’s Fortune.” Lippincott’s Magazine 5 (Apr. 1870): 397-413.
Reprinted in:
Kitty’s Choice, or Berrytown, and Other Stories (1874).
The North American (17-19 Apr. 1890).
Excerpted as:
“The Title Deeds.” (London) Ladies Treasury (1 Apr.., 1 May 1892).

“The Leroy Gold Mine: A Christmas Story.” Independent (17 Dec. 1891): 33-35.

“A Lesson from France.” Saturday Evening Post (15 Aug. 1903): 14.

“The Lesson of Decoration Day.” Saturday Evening Post (30 May 1903): 12.

“Lessons of Independence Day.” Expository and Current Anecdotes 4 (June 1903): 617.

“Life in the Iron-Mills.” Atlantic Monthly 7 (Apr. 1861): 430-451.
Reprinted in:
Atlantic Tales: A Collection of Stories from the Atlantic Monthly. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1866. Includes variations from original.

“Life-Saving Stations.” Lippincott’s Magazine 17 (Mar. 1876): 301-10.
Reprinted in:
Encyclopedia Britannica 9th ed. Supplement 3:602-608.

“Literary Folk: Their Ways and Their Work.” Saturday Evening Post (25 Apr. 1903): 16-17.

“Literary Folk: Their Ways and Their Work.” Saturday Evening Post (19 Sep. 1903): 33-34.

“Literary Folk: Their Ways and Their Work.” Saturday Evening Post (13 Feb. 1904): 18-19.

“Literary Folk: Their Ways and Their Work.” Saturday Evening Post (2 Jul. 1904): 18-19.

“Literary Folk: Their Ways and Their Work.” Saturday Evening Post (3 Dec. 1904): 28-30.

“Literary Folk: Their Ways and Their Work.” Saturday Evening Post (18 Feb. 1905): 21.

“Literary Folk: Their Ways and Their Work.” Saturday Evening Post (25 Feb 1905): 22–24.

“Literary Folk: Their Ways and Their Work.” Saturday Evening Post (29 Jul. 1905): 16.

“Literary Folk: Their Ways and Their Work: The Children of Despair.” Saturday Evening Post (8 Apr. 1905): 17–18.

“Literary Folk: Their Ways and Their Work. Five Riddles.” Saturday Evening Post (14 Jan. 1905): 20–22.

“Literary Folk—Their Ways and Their Work: Human and Inhuman Books.” Saturday Evening Post (5 Sep. 1903): 13–14.

“Literary Folk—Their Ways and Their Work: Race Books.” Saturday Evening Post (4 Jul. 1903): 20–21.

“Literary Folk: Their Ways and Their Work. The Smart Set.” Saturday Evening Post (17 June 1905): 15–16.

“Literary Folk: Their Ways and Their Work. The Summer Harvest.” Saturday Evening Post (10 Sep. 1904): 18–19.

“A Little Gossip.” Scribner’s Monthly 28 (Nov. 1900): 563-70.

“Little Mr. Hibben: A Christmas Tale.” Independent (19 Dec. 1889): 34-36.

“The Little Street-Sweeper.” Peterson’s Magazine 48 (Oct. 1865): 237-44.

“The Locked Chamber.” Peterson’s Magazine 41 (Jan. 1862): 42-54.

“Lois Platner.” Peterson’s Magazine 55 (May 1869): 371-79.

“The Long Journey.” Peterson’s Magazine 51 (Jan.-June 1867): 31-42, 109-20, 187-200, 269-83, 342-52, 417-24.

“The Lorenzes of the World.” Saturday Evening Post (10 Jan. 1903): 12.

“Lord Kitchener's Methods.” Independent (7 Feb. 1901): 326-28.

“Losing Her Hold.” Congregationalist (8 Nov. 1888).

“Lost.” Independent (25 June 1903): 1504-1507.

“Lost and Found.” Youth’s Companion (7 Sept. 1871): 282-83.

“The Lost Cave.” Youth’s Companion (7 Dec. 1871): 393-94.

“The Lost Estate.” Peterson’s Magazine 45 (Jan.-June 1864): 43-50-, 107-15, 186-93, 265-71, 356-71, 433-37.

“The Love Story of Charlotte Bronte.” Saturday Evening Post 178 (13 Jan. 1906): 14-15.

“Low Wages for Women.” Independent (8 Nov. 1888): 1.

“The Luck of Abel Steadman.” Atlantic Monthly 16 (Sep. 1865): 331-41.

“Lucy Laficher.” Peterson’s Magazine 6 (Nov. 1884): 399-403.



“Madam Bourne.” Peterson’s Magazine 64 (Nov. 1873): 335-40.

“Mademoiselle du Pont.” Youth’s Companion (28 May 1885): 318-22.

“Mademoiselle Joan.” Atlantic Monthly 58 (Sep. 1886): 328-36.

“The Major’s Secret.” Library of Choice Literature, eds. Ainsworth Spofford and Charles Gibbon, 10 vols. (Philadelphia: Gebbie and Co., 1888): 7:123-34.

“The Major’s Story.” Youth’s Companion (12 Dec. 1878): 426.
Reprinted as:
“The O’More. An Irish Foster-Brother’s Devotion.” St. Louis Globe-Democrat (26 Jan. 1879): 9.

“The Man in the Cage.” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 56 (Dec. 1877): 79-84.

“The Man in the Iron Mask.” Saturday Evening Post (11 Apr. 1903): 18.

“The Man, Not the Money.” Saturday Evening Post (24 Jan. 1903): 12.

“The Man Who Came Back.” Metropolitan Magazine 19 (Nov. 1903): 219-26.

“Marcia.” Harper's New Monthly Magazine 53 (Nov. 1876): 917-25.
Reprinted in:
Silhouettes of American Life (see below).

“A Market for Art-Work.” Scribner’s Monthly Magazine 15 (Nov. 1877): 134.

“Married People.” Harper's New Monthly Magazine 43 (Apr. 1877): 730-35.

“Marty’s Cabbage Crop.” Youth’s Companion (23 June 1881): 227.

Margret Howth: A Story of To-Day. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1862.
Serialized as:
“A Story of To-Day.” Atlantic Monthly (Oct. 1861-Mar. 1862).

“Marty’s Cabbage Crop.” Hartford Daily Courant (13 May 1882): 6.

“The Mean Face of War.” Independent (20 July 1899): 1931-33.
Reprinted in:
Advocate of Peace 61 (Sep. 1899): 190-91.

“Men's Rights.” Putnam's Magazine n.s. 3 (Feb. 1869): 212-24.

“Mercy and Mawkishness.” Saturday Evening Post (9 Jan. 1904): 14.

“Mesmerism vs. Common Sense.” Peterson’s Magazine 80 (Jul. 1881): 51-57.

“The Messenger.” Youth’s Companion (19 Sep. 1872): 299-300.

“The Middle-Aged Woman.” Scribner's Monthly 19 (July 1875): 612-15.

“A Middle-Aged Woman.” Independent (1 Sep. 1904): 489-94.

“Miss Renshaw’s Dinner-Party.” Peterson’s Magazine 76 (Oct. 1879): 272-76.

“The Missing Diamond.” Peterson’s Magazine 47 (May-June 1865): 337-47, 408-15; 48 (Jul.-Sep. 1865): 25-32, 111-18, 169-77.

“A Mistake Parents Make.” Congregationalist (1888).
Reprinted in:
Bismarck Tribune (16 Oct. 1888).

“Mistress and Maid.” Independent (14-21 Apr. 1892): 33; 30.

“The Modern Irishman.” Congregationalist (17 Dec. 1891): 1.

“The Modern Phyllis.” Congregationalist (11 Jul. 1889): 7.

“The Modest Naturalized Citizen.” Independent (3 Jul. 1890): 11.

“Mother and Baby.” Independent (16 Sept. 1875): 1-2.

“Mothering Day.” Congregationalist (17 May 1888): 7.

“A Mountain Shanty: A Christmas Story.” Hearth and Home (30 Dec. 1871): 1025-27.
Reprinted in:
Woman’s Journal (13 Jan. 1872): 14-15.

“Mr. Mifflin’s Theories.” Peterson’s Magazine 97 (Jan. 1890): 52-58.

“Mrs. Loper’s Ambition.” Congregationalist (24 Sep. 1891).

“The Murder in the Glen Ross.” Peterson’s Magazine 40 (Nov.-Dec. 1861): 346-55, 438-46.

“My Confession.” Youth’s Companion (2 Aug. 1877): 245.

“My First Case.” Peterson’s Magazine 42 (Aug. 1862): 120-26.

“My Uncle’s Story.” Peterson’s Magazine 88 (Oct. 1885): 318-22.



“Nan’s Masquerade.” Peterson’s Magazine 82 (Oct. 1882): 283-88.

“Nancy.” Youth’s Companion (1 Feb. 1883): 38.

Natasqua. New York: Cassell, 1887.
Scribner’s Monthly (Nov. 1870-Jan.1871).

“Naylor o’ The Bowl.” St. Nicholas 1 (1 Dec. 1873): 65-69.

“A Near View of Dr. Holmes.” New York Times (4 Nov. 1900): 17.

“Ned Moxon’s Grievances.” Independent (4 Apr. 1889): 26.
Reprinted in:
Massachusetts Ploughman and New England Journal of Agriculture (8 Jan. 1898): 7.

“Needs of the Reservation.” Congregationalist (17 Apr. 1890): 1.

“The Negro’s Ring.” Youth’s Companion (24 June 1875): 195.

“Nelly Derry.” Peterson’s Magazine 59 (Feb. 1871): 141-48.

“The ‘New’ Mother.” Saturday Evening Post (6 Dec. 1902): 16.

“A New National Trait.” Independent (31 Oct. 1889): 1.

“New Traits of the New American.” Outlook (12 Jul. 1902): 694-98.

“The New Religious ‘What Is It?’” Independent (28 Feb. 1889): 1.

“New Year’s Resolutions.” Saturday Evening Post (2 Jan. 1904): 14.

“A New Year’s Story.” Peterson’s Magazine 47 (Jan. 1865): 29-38.

“The Newly Discovered Woman.” Independent (30 Nov. 1893): 5.

“Next Door.” Independent (5 Jan. 1882): 26-27.

“Nicholas Cleever’s Money.” Peterson’s Magazine 95 (Jan.-Marl. 1889): 76-81, 177-84, 264-70.

“Nicholas Harbour’s Work.” Sunday Afternoon 1 (Feb. 1878): 112-21.
Reprinted in:
Wellsboro (PA) Agitator (14 May 1878): 1.

“A Night in the Mountains.” Appletons’ Journal n.s. 3 (Dec. 1877): 505-10.

“Nights with the Old-Time Players.” Saturday Evening Post (8 Jul. 1905): 4-5.

“Not Wings but a Chain.” Congregationalist (14 Sep. 1892): 591.

“A November Afternoon,” Galaxy 8 (Dec. 1869): 802-10.
Reprinted in:
Wood’s Household Magazine 6 (Apr. 19870): 149-55.

“The November Night.” Peterson’s Magazine 73 (Jan.-Mar. 1878): 60-68, 119-27, 186-93.

“The Nutting Party.” Youth’s Companion (16 Mar. 1871): 81-82.



“Odd Corners at the Exposition.” Harper’s Weekly (25 Nov. 1876): 950.

“The Old Black Tea Pot.” Independent (30 Apr. 1903): 1029-31.

“Old Books and New.” Saturday Evening Post (14 Mar. 1903): 26.

“Old Lamps for New.” Independent (28 Jan. 1892): 113.

“Old Landmarks in Philadelphia.” Scribner’s Monthly 12 (June 1876): 14-66.

“An Old Legend.” Independent (3 Apr. 1890): 30.

“Old Philadelphia.” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 52 (Apr.-May 1876): 705-21.

“Old Philadelphia Churches.” Saturday Evening Post (20 May 1876): 3.

“Old Poger.” Youth’s Companion (6 Feb. 1879): 41.
Reprinted in:
Marion (OH) Daily Star (5 Mar. 1879): 2.

“Old Thorny.” Our Young Folks 6 (Jan. 1870): 41-47.

“Old-Fashion Gardens.” Saturday Evening Post (15 Aug. 1903): 14.

“An Old-Time Christmas.” Independent 55 (3 Dec. 1903): 2848-52.

“An Old-Time Love Story.” Century Illustrated Magazine 77 (Dec. 1908): 219-21.

“Old-Time Hospitality.” Saturday Evening Post (31 Dec. 1904): 10-11.

“Old-Time Political Campaigns.” Women’s Home Companion 35 (Nov. 1908): 9.

“The Old-Time Traveler.” Saturday Evening Post (4 Nov. 1905): 4-5.

“The Olden Type of Woman and The New.” Success (Nov. 1901).
Reprinted as:
“Girls—Now and Then.” The Success Library, ed. Dr. Orison Swett Marden, 10 vols. (New York: Success Co., 1901): 9:5363-68.

“On Sunday Afternoon.” Congregationalist (15 Nov. 1882): 2.

“On the Jersey Coast.” Independent (15 Nov. 1900): 2731-33.

“On the Rigi.” St. Nicholas 33 (Dec. 1905): 161-66.

“On the Uplands.” Congregationalist and Christian World (14 June 1902): 854.

“On the Uplands; A Few Typical Incidents Which Reveal the Heroic Possibilities of Every Day Men and Women.” Watchman (19-21 Mar. 1903): 17; 411-12.
Reprinted in:
Congregationalist and Christian World (21 Mar. 1903): 411.
Zion’s Herald (1 Apr. 1903): 400.

“On Trial.” Independent (24 Nov. 1892): 33-34.

“One Day’s Work.” Independent (14 Jan. 1886): 26-28.

“One of Life’s Martyrs.” Peterson’s Magazine 54 (Oct. 1868): 282-90.

“One of Two Plain Questions.” Independent (22 Oct. 1908): 944-46.
Excerpted as:
“Money-Spoiled.” Christian Advocate (12 Nov. 1908): 14.

“One Week an Editor.” Galaxy 16 (Nov. 1873): 652-61.

“One Woman's Question.” Independent (July 1907): 132-33.

“One Word More.” Ladies’ Home Journal 15 (June 1898): 4.

“Only Father!” Independent (30 Dec. 1880): 1-2.

“Open Doors.” Hearth and Home 1 (27 Nov.-11 Dec. 1869): 776-77, 792-93, 808-09; 2 (1 Jan.-8 Jan. 1870): 27-28, 42-43.

“Open Letters: International Copyright.” Century Magazine 31 (Feb. 1886): 629.

“The Other Side.” Peterson’s Magazine 61 (Jan. 1872): 60-65.

“The Other Side of the Story.” Youth’s Companion (21 May 1874): 164.

“Our Brothers, A Story of the War.” Youth’s Companion (25 Dec. 1873): 417-18.

“Our Club.” Youth’s Companion (1 Nov. 1877): 373.

"Our Monthly Gossip: Among the Creationists." Lippincott's Magazine 21 (May 1878): 635-

"Our Monthly Gossip: Civil Service Reform and Democratic Ideas." Lippincott's Magazine 26 (Dec. 1880): 762-

"Our Monthly Gossip: A Lost Colony." Lippincott's Magazine 22 (Aug. 1878): 252-54.

"Our Monthly Gossip: Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made Of." Lippincott's Magazine 25 (Jan. 1880): 120-22.

“Our National Vanities.” Independent (21 Nov. 1889): 1.

“Out of Sight.” Independent (23 June 1892): 26.
Reprinted in:
(London) Christian Commonwealth (7 Mar. 1895).

“Out of the Sea." Atlantic Monthly 15 (May 1865): 533-49.

“The Outlook for the Boys.” Independent (24 May 1894): 645-46.



“The Parotts.” Independent (16 May 1889): 1.

“The Passing of Niagara.” Independent (25 Nov. 1897): 1527-28.

“Paul.” Independent (3 Jan. 1884): 2.

“Paul Blecker.” Atlantic Monthly 11-12 (May-Jul. 1863): 580-598, 677-691, 52-69.

“The Pawned Watch.” Youth’s Companion (30 Sep. 1886): 366.

“The Paw-Paw Hunt.” Youth’s Companion (9 Nov. 1871): 361-62.

“The Pearl of Great Price.” Lippincott's Magazine 2 (Dec. 1868): 606-617; 3 (Jan. 1869): 74-88.
Reprinted in:
Short Stories for Spare Moments, 2nd Series (1869).

“A Peculiar People.” Saturday Evening Post (10, 17 Jan. 1903): 9, 20; 8.

“Penny Dreadfuls for All.” Saturday Evening Post (12 Sep. 1903): 12.

“The Personal Tie between Mistress and Maid.” Congregationalist and Christian World (12 Dec. 1903): 888-89.

“Philip Wharton’s Choice.” Youth’s Companion (26 Apr. 1883): 169.

“Phonz.” Youth’s Companion (12 Nov. 1874): 378-79.

“The Plague Spot of America.” Independent (4 Jul. 1889): 1.
Reprinted as:
“Leprosy in America.” Living Age 185 (May 1890): 448.

“Plants of Slow Growth.” Congregationalist (25 Apr. 1889): 7.

“The Poem That Never Was Written.” Peterson’s Magazine 83 (Jan. 1883): 55-59.

“The Poetess of Clap City.” Scribner's Monthly 9 (Mar. 1875): 612-615.

“Polly.” Peterson’s Magazine 59 (Jan. 1871): 46-54.

“Polly’s Religion.” Congregationalist (29 May 1884).
Reprinted in:
Christian Observer (7 Jul. 1897): 21.

“Polly’s Venture.” Independent (6 Mar. 1890): 26.

“Pontefract’s Woods.” Hearth and Home (21 Sep.-9Nov. 1872): 730-31, 746-47, 792-92, 838-39.

“Pooch.” Youth’s Companion (26 Sep. 1890): 447.

“The Porch Climbers.” Saturday Evening Post (8 Aug. 1903): 12.

“The Pot of Gold.” Youth’s Companion (4 Jan. 1872): 1-2.
Reprinted in:
(San Francisco) Evening Bulletin (17 Aug. 1872).
Reprinted as: “The Pot of Gold—Or Young Paul and the Seeress,” Boston Investigator (20 Nov. 1872).

“The Pot of Mignonette.” Youth’s Companion (25 Jan. 1877): 25.

“The Pragues’ Ambition.” Congregationalist (4 Oct. 1888).

“Prescription for Trouble.” Saturday Evening Post (15 Nov. 1902): 12.

“Presidential Campaigns of To-Day and Yesterday: Some of the Signs of an Odd and Significant Change in Public Feeling.” Saturday Evening Post (17 Sep. 1904): 8–9.

“President-Making in Old Times.” Youth’s Companion (15 Apr. 1897): 171-72.

“Prisoner’s Sunday.” Congregationalist (18 Oct. 1888).
Reprinted in:
The Record (20 Dec. 1888): 15-16.

“The Promise of Dawn: A Christmas Story.” Atlantic Monthly 11 (Jan. 1863): 10-25.

“Pudgy as ‘Ariel.’” Harper’s Bazaar 26 Mar. 1898): 270.

“Put Out of the Way.” Peterson's Magazine 57 (May-June 1870): 355-67, 431-43; 58 (Jul.-Aug. 1870): 30-41, 109-18.



“Qualla.” Lippincott’s Magazine 16 (Nov. 1875): 576-86.

“Quarreled.” Youth’s Companion (27 Dec. 1888): 659.

“A Quiet Half-Hour.” Independent (30 May 1901): 1231.



“The Races at Shark Bay.” St. Nicholas 3 (1 Sep. 1876): 710-13.

“The Rage for Writing.” Saturday Evening Post (25 Apr. 1903): 12.

“A Rainy Day.” Peterson’s Magazine 81 (Jan. 1882): 49-54.

“A Rainy Day at the Exposition.” Harper’s Weekly (18 Nov. 1876), 930.

“The Recovery of Family Life.” Independent (21 Sep. 1905): 673-75.

“Red Names for Red Men.” Saturday Evening Post (20 June 1903): 14.

“The Regicides.” Under the Crown: American History. (Selections from the Youth’s Companion.) Boston: Perry Mason Co., 1909. 82-87.

“Religion in the Days of Our Father.” Saturday Evening Post (24 Mar. 1906): 4, 26.

“The Religion of Things.” Saturday Evening Post (4 Oct. 1902): 12.

“A Reporter’s Work.” Independent (16 Jan. 1890): 65.

“The Return to the Soil.” Success 5 (May 1902): 271-72.

“Ridiculous Dolls and Penwipers.” Congregationalist (18 Apr. 1889).

“A Rope of Sand?” Saturday Evening Post (14 Mar. 1903): 14.

“The Rose of Carolina.” Scribner's Monthly 8 (Oct. 1874): 723-726.

“A Royal Procession.” Independent (7 Sep. 1899): 2413-15.



“The Saar Secret.” Peterson’s Magazine 65 (Apr.-June 1874): 252-59, 330-36, 405-12.

“A Sad Case.” Wheeling Daily Intelligencer (29 Aug. 1861): 3.

“Sam Granger’s Lucky Stone.” Youth’s Companion (20 Jul. 1871): 226-27.

“Sarah Kent’s Christmas.” Youth’s Companion (23 Dec. 1875): 422-23.

“The School for Hustlers.” Saturday Evening Post (22 Nov. 1902): 12.

“School of Design.” Hearth and Home (1869).
Reprinted in:
Saturday Evening Post (11 Dec. 1869): 2.

“The School-Boy’s Story.” Independent (18 Jan. 1877): 1-2.

“The Second Life.” Peterson’s Magazine 43 (Jan.-June 1863): 33-39, 121-30, 204-11, 293-300, 348-53, 420-30.

“The Second Sight.” Peterson’s Magazine 44 (Dec. 1863): 447-53.

“Señor.” Youth’s Companion (5 Oct. 1871): 313-14.

“Sermons in Stone.” Saturday Evening Post (16 Sep. 1905): 22.

“Seventy-Seven.” Youth’s Companion (28 Mar. 1878): 97.

“The Shan Van Voght: A True Story.” Riverside Magazine for Young People 4 (Feb. 1870): 2-8.

“A Shelf of Idols.” Saturday Evening Post (21 Nov. 1903): 20.

“The Shipwreck.” Youth’s Companion (17 Feb. 1876): 51-52.

“A Silhouette.” Harper's New Monthly Magazine 67 (Sep. 1883): 622-31.
Reprinted as:
“The End of the Vendetta” in Silhouettes of American Life (see below)

Silhouettes of American Life. New York: Scribner's, 1892. London: Osgood-Mellvaine, 1892.

“The Slave in Algeria.” Youth’s Companion (5 Nov. 1891): 111.

“The Solmes’ Ghost.” Peterson’s Magazine 46 (Dec. 1864): 417-25.

“Some Hobgoblins in Literature.” Book Buyer 14 (Apr. 1897): 229-31.

“Some Modern Buccaneers.” Saturday Evening Post (24 May 1902): 4–5.

“Some Moral Antitoxins.” Saturday Evening Post (2 May 1903): 12.

“Some Old-Time Christmases.” Saturday Evening Post (3 Dec. 1904): 6-7.

“Some Significant Facts.” Independent (13 June 1889): 1.

“Some Strange True Stories.” New-York Tribune (31 Mar. 1907): 7-8.

“A Strange True Story.” New-York Tribune (23 June 1907): 4.

“Some Testimony in the Case.” Atlantic Monthly 56 (Nov. 1885): 602-608.

“Shop and Country Girls.” Independent (15 Aug. 1889): 1.

“The South Branch Farm.” Peterson’s Magazine 77 (Jan. 1880): 45-49.
Reprinted in:
Ohio Farmer (20-27 Mar. 1880): 186; 202.

“Stacy Gillett.” Congregationalist (14 May 1885).

“The Stolen Bond.” Peterson’s Magazine 49 (Jan.-May 1866): 37-46-, 113-22, 194-200, 261-68, 325-32.

“Stephen Yarrow: A Christmas Story.” Atlantic Monthly 13 (Jan. 1864): 67-88.

“The South Branch Farm.” Peterson’s Magazine 77 (Jan. 1880): 45-49.

“Stories of the Revolution.” Youth’s Companion (28 Apr. 1887): 182.

“The Story of Ann.” Youth’s Companion (8 Apr. 1875): 107-108.

“The Story of a Few Plain Women.” Ladies’ Home Journal 22 (May 1905): 4-5.

“The Story of a Newspaper.” Our Continent (11 Oct. 1882): 430-31.
Reprinted in:
Congregationalist (2 Jul. 1885): 2.
Vermont Watchman (15 Jul. 1885): 6.

“The Story of a Song.” Peterson’s Magazine 46 (Jul. 1864): 26-31.

“The Story of Christine.” Peterson’s Magazine 50 (Sep. 1866): 166-74.

“The Story of Christmas Eve.” Peterson’s Magazine 52 (Dec. 1867): 418-23.

“The Story of Philomena.” Peterson’s Magazine 74 (Dec. 1878): 420-25.

“A Story of the Plague.” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 58 (Feb. 1879): 443-49.

“St. Matthew’s and St. Mark’s.” Sunday Afternoon 1 (Apr. 1878): 296-300.

“The Story of Hetty.” Peterson’s Magazine 90 (Dec. 1886): 516-20.

“A Story of a Shadow.” Galaxy 14 (Apr. 1872): 541-52.

“A Story of Life Insurance.” Peterson’s Magazine 41 (June 1862): 447-54.

“A Story of To-Day.” Atlantic Monthly 8,9 (October 1861-March 1862), 471-486, 582-598, 707-718; 40-52, 202-214, 282-299.
Reprinted as:
Margret Howth.

“A Strange Story from the Coast.” Lippincott’s Magazine 23 (June 1879): 677-85.

“The Strawberry Girl.” St. Nicholas 3 (Apr. 1876): 344-47.

“A Street Flower.” Independent (10 Jan. 1884): 58.

“Success.” Peterson’s Magazine 44 (Oct. 1863): 277-83.

“A Summer’s Amusement.” Peterson’s Magazine 76 (Jul. 1879): 32-37.

“Sun or Shade?” Peterson’s Magazine 63 (1873): 132-38.

“A Sunday in Limeburgh.” Scribner’s Monthly 15 (Feb. 1878): 523-31.

“The Surprises of the War.” Independent (25 Aug. 1898): 527-28.

“Swift’s Comet.” Youth’s Companion (21 Aug. 1873): 266-67.



“Taneo.” Youth’s Companion (11 Mar. 1875): 73-74.

“Teddy.” Youth’s Companion 55 (Dec. 1882): 522.

“The Tembroke Legacy.” Hearth and Home 1 (23 Jan.-16 Apr. 1869): 73-75, 89-90, 105-06, 121-22, 137-39, 153-54, 169-70, 185-86, 201-202, 217-18, 233-34, 251-52.

“The Temple of Fame.” Independent (25 Oct. 1900): 2555-56.

“Thanksgiving.” Independent (24 Nov. 1904): 1195-96.

“Thanksgiving.” St. Nicholas 36 (Nov. 1908): 42-43.

“A Thanksgiving.” Youth’s Companion (28 Nov. 1872): 384-85.

“Thanksgiving at Vogel’s.” Independent (29 Nov. 1888): 2-3.

“A Thanksgiving Story.” Massachusetts Ploughman and New England Journal of Agriculture (2 Dec. 1871): 4.

“That Akers Girl.” Peterson’s Magazine 98 (Nov. 1890): 444-49.

“That Mother’s Dead Child.” New-York Daily Tribune (2 Jan. 1877).

“They Ran Away.” Youth’s Companion (25 Aug. 1887): 285.

“Through Rough Ways: A Christmas Story.” Hearth and Home (28 Dec. 1872): 943-46.

“Tirar y Soult.” Scribner's Magazine 2 (Nov. 1887): 563-72.
Reprinted in:
Stories of the South. New York: Charles Scribners’ Sons, 1893. 175-222.
The Woman’s Story: as Told by Twenty American Women. Ed. Laura C. Holloway. New York: John B. Alden, 1889. 69-90.

“The Title Deeds.” The Ladies’ Treasury: A Household Magazine (1 April; 1 May, 1892).

“To Marry or Not to Marry.” Saturday Evening Post (24 Oct. 1903): 14.

“Tom.” Youth’s Companion (12 Apr. 1888): 182.

“Tom Gillet’s Fortune.” Peterson’s Magazine 63 (Jan. 1873): 34-40.

“Tom Hardy.” Good Company 4 (Dec. 1879): 308-23.

“Tom, the Tinker’s Man.” Youth’s Companion (20 Sep. 1888): 444.

“The Tragedy of Fauquier.” Peterson’s Magazine 53 (Apr.-June 1868): 271-81, 353-62, 420-26; 54 (Jul.-Aug. 1868): 27-37, 107-11.

“The Trained Nurse.” Independent (3 Oct. 1907): 814-16.

“A Triumphal Progress.” Saturday Evening Post (11 Jul. 1903): 12.

“The True Story of a Doll.” St. Nicholas 4 (1 Dec. 1876): 138-39.

“The True Story of Wolfendon.” American Homes (1 May 1875): 6.
Reprinted in:
Golden Rule (28 Mar. 1877): 1.

“The Twins.” Youth’s Companion (12 June 1890): 326.

“Two Brave Boys.” St. Nicholas (1911).
Reprinted in:
Sabbath Recorder (3 Jul. 1911): 123.

“Two Generations of Churchgoers.” Saturday Evening Post (31 Jan. 1903): 12.

“Two Hunted Men.” Youth’s Companion (24 Nov. 1887): 524.

“Two Kinds of Charity.” Saturday Evening Post (1 Nov. 1902): 12.

“Two Lives.” Sunday Afternoon 2 (Nov. 1878): 429-39.

“Two Women.” Galaxy 9 (June 1870): 799-815.
Reprinted in:

Bangor Whig and Courier (29 June 1889).

“Two American Boys.” Independent (4 Oct. 1900): 2375.

“Two Methods.” Independent (30 Mar. 1893): 416.

“Two Methods with the Negro.” Independent (31 Mar. 1898): 401-02.
Reprinted in:
Zion’s Herald (4 May 1898): 575.

“Two Points of View.” Independent (9 Sept. 1897): 1161-62.

“Two ‘Servants of the Republic.’” Independent (13 Apr. 1899): 1002-1004.

“Two Women.” Independent (14 Oct. 1875): 5-6.

“Two Women.” Saturday Evening Post (11 June 1870): 5-6.

“Truth Once More Stranger than Fiction.” Congregationalist (10 Nov. 1898): 648-49.



“Uncle Abel.” Congregationalist (28 June 1883).

“Uncle Sam’s Gray Hairs.” Saturday Evening Post (2 Jan. 1904): 14.

“Under the Old Code.” Harper's New Monthly Magazine 100 (Feb. 1900): 401-12.

“Under Which Name?” Ladies Home Journal (May 1893): 2.

"Undistinguished Americans." Independent (26 Apr. 1906): 962-64.

“University Extension in Canterbury.” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 86 (Apr. 1893): 887-92.

“An Unlighted Lamp.” Independent (15 Aug. 1901): 1903-1908.

“Unpublished Tragedies.” New-York Tribune (26 May 1907): 4, 19.

“‘Unto the Least of These.’” Congregationalist (5 Jul. 1894): 11-12.

“Unto This Last.” Peterson’s Magazine 48 (Nov. 1865): 338-46.

“An Unwritten History.” Independent (27 Dec. 1900): 3082-85.



“Vacation Sketches among the Alleghenies.” Youth’s Companion 55 (June 1882): 243.

“The Voice in the Wilderness.” Saturday Evening Post (26 May 1906): 16-17.



Waiting for the Verdict. New York: Sheldon, 1868.
Serialized in:
Galaxy (Feb. 1867-Dec. 1867).

“Walhalla.” Scribner's Monthly 29 ( May 1880): 139-45.
Reprinted in:
Silhouettes of American Life (see above)

“Wanted: A Course in Courtesy.” Saturday Evening Post (27 Dec. 1902): 12.

“War as the Woman Sees It.” Saturday Evening Post 176 (June 11, 1904): 8-9.

“Ways by Which Girls May Earn Money at Home.” Youth’s Companion (Dec. 1881).

“The Ways of Our Fathers.” Saturday Evening Post (7 Apr. 1906): 8, 20.

“A Wayside Episode.” Lippincott's Magazine 5 (Feb. 1883): 179-90.
Reprinted in:
Silhouettes of American Life (see above)

“The Weed in the Wheat.” Congregationalist (4 Sep. 1884).
Reprinted in:
Vermont Watchman (17 Sep. 1884): 3.

“‘What About the Northern Negro?’” Independent (24 Jan. 1889): 1.

“What Did Not Happen.” New Peterson Magazine 2 (Sep. 1893): 887-92.

“What Doc Saw on His Sleeve.” Youth’s Companion (27 Dec. 1877): 441.

“What Does It Mean?” Independent (21 Aug. 1902): 2011-13.
Reprinted in:
Current Literature 34 (Oct. 1902): 486.

“What John Found.” Youth’s Companion (18 Dec. 1879): 437.
Reprinted in:
Bath (ME) Independent (14 Feb. 1880): 1.
Golden Argosy (1 Aug. 1885): 277.

“What We Can.” St. Nicholas 36 (Jan. 1909): 249.
Reprinted in:
Christian Observer (29 Dec. 1909): 16.
New York Observer and Chronicle (21 Jul. 1910): 92.
Christian Life (27 Oct. 1910): 13.

“When Is a Woman at Her Best?” Ladies’ Home Journal 11 (Nov. 1894): 3-4.

“When Shall Our Young Women Marry? A Compilation of Opinions.” Brooklyn Magazine 4 (Apr. 1886): 10-14.

“The White Peddler.” Youth’s Companion (22 May 1886): 197.
Reprinted in:
Young Folks Paper (London) (26 June 1886): 411.

“Why They Came to New England.” Boston Globe (31 Jul. 1892): 20.

“Why We Keep Lent.” Saturday Evening Post (4 Apr. 1903): 12.

“With the Enemy.” Youth’s Companion (15 Sep. 1887): 394.

“A Wife, Yet Not a Wife.” Peterson’s Magazine 62 (Jul.-Sep. 1872): 38-46, 103-12, 178-86.

“The Wife's Story.” Atlantic Monthly 14 (Jul. 1864): 1-19.

“William M. Baker.” Century Illustrated Magazine 28 (May 1884): 151-52.

“With the Old-Time Players.” Saturday Evening Post (20 May 1905): 8-9.

“Without Foundations.” Congregationalist (14 Sep. 1893): 347-48.

“A Woman’s Message.” Congregationalist (8 Mar. 1882).

“The Woman’s Word about It.” Independent (3 Dec. 1903): 2848-52.

“A Woman’s Work.” New-York Tribune (17 Jul. 1874).
Reprinted in:
Commemorative and Farewell Reunion, of the Graduates and Teachers of Washington Female Seminary in Honor of Mrs. Sarah R. Hanna, June 25th, 1874. (Pittsburgh: Blackwell and Marthens, 1874). 6-7. (with a section omitted)

“Women and Patriotism." Harper's Bazaar (28 May 1898): 455.
Reprinted in:
Milwaukee Journal (9 June 1898): 6.
Excerpted in:
Massachusetts Ploughman (18 June 1898): 5.

“Women and Politics.” Wheeling Daily Intelligencer (2 Feb. 1859): 2.

“Women as Beekeepers.” American Apiculturist 3.9 (15 Sept. 1885): 214.

“Women as Imitators of Men.” Portsmouth (NH) Herald (10 June 1907): 3. Syndicated.

“Women in Literature.” Independent (7 May 1891): 1-2.

“A Word to Colored People.” Independent (12 Sep. 1889): 1.

“A World Old Story.” Independent (9 May 1889): 26.

“The Work Before Us.” Independent (19 Jan. 1899): 177-79.

“Would Women Use the Ballot?” Boston Globe (28 Oct. 1888): 18.

“The Yares of the Black Mountains.” Lippincott's Magazine 16 (Jul. 1875): 35-47.
Reprinted in:
Silhouettes of American Life (see above)

“The Young Musician.” Youth’s Companion (14 Aug. 1873), 257.
Reprinted in:
Ploughman and New England Journal of Agriculture (22 Nov. 1873): 4.

“Your Brother, the Murderer.” Saturday Evening Post (21 Mar. 1903): 12.



Bibliography Credit: Sharon M. Harris

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